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A Place Called Perfect by Helena Duggan Review

Title: A Place Called Perfect

Author: Helena Duggan

First published November 1, 2012

306 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 9781480093447 (ISBN10: 1480093440)

Rating: 4.03


Lucas has always known his hometown was too good to be true. The houses are pristine, the lawns are manicured, and everyone seems to follow the same rigid routine.

But when he discovers a hidden room in his house filled with strange contraptions, he realizes there’s more to the town of Perfect than meets the eye. As he delves deeper into the town’s secrets, he discovers that the residents wear rose-colored glasses, drink special tea, and live in obedience to a mysterious authority.

Even the Hüters, who patrol the streets at night, seem to be hiding something. With the help of his new friend, Lucas sets out to uncover the truth about Perfect.

But as he navigates a world where fantasy and memory are the most powerful weapons, he realizes he may have bitten off more than he can chew. Will he be able to uncover the dark secret that lurks beneath the surface of Perfect, or will he become just another obedient resident?

Welcome to Perfect, a place where nothing is as it seems.

About the Author

Meet Helena Duggan, a creative soul hailing from the quaint and eerie medieval city of Kilkenny in southern Ireland. Although she may be in her thirties, her youthful spirit and love for adventure make her feel more like a thirteen-year-old at heart.

As a writer and graphic designer, Helena crafts stories and illustrations that cater to those with a similar mindset. She finds the mundane mundane, and so she prefers to infuse her work with a healthy dose of excitement.

As a graphic designer, Helena not only draws pictures for a living, but also takes on the challenging task of coloring them in. If you want to chat with this imaginative artist, don’t hesitate to shoot her an email at [email protected].

Editoral Review

A Place Called Perfect by Helena Duggan takes readers on a thrilling and imaginative journey into a world where perfection is the norm and everything that deviates from it is seen as a flaw. The author skillfully combines elements of fantasy and science fiction to create a unique and intriguing story that will capture the attention of young adult readers, as well as adults who enjoy the genre.

The story takes place in a seemingly utopian town called Perfect, where everything is, well, perfect. The houses are perfectly identical, the gardens are perfectly manicured, and everyone appears to be happy and content.

However, we soon learn that all is not what it seems in Perfect, as strange occurrences begin to happen, and people start to turn into statues. The novel’s protagonist is a young girl named Violet, who has just moved to Perfect with her parents.

Violet, who suffers from a condition that causes her eyes to water constantly, is immediately labeled as flawed and is sent to an eye doctor, who gives her a pair of glasses that enables her to see the town’s real nature. Alongside her new friend, Boy, a local boy with a cleft lip who is also considered “flawed” by the town’s residents, Violet sets out to uncover the dark secrets of Perfect and save the town from its impending doom.

Duggan’s writing style is effortless and elegant, and she has a true talent for creating vivid and memorable characters. The pacing is perfect, with just enough action and suspense to keep readers engaged throughout the story.

The themes of conformity, individuality, and the dangers of striving for perfection are well-developed and thought-provoking, adding depth to the story. One of the strengths of this novel is the way it tackles difficult and relevant issues in a way that is accessible and relatable to its target audience.

Duggan seamlessly incorporates discussions of bullying, discrimination, and the importance of diversity into the narrative, without ever feeling preachy or heavy-handed. The only minor flaw in the book’s execution comes in the form of the novel’s conclusion, which feels a bit rushed and unsatisfying.

However, this is a minor quibble in an otherwise well-crafted and enjoyable story. Overall, A Place Called Perfect is a captivating and engaging adventure that will appeal to readers looking for a fresh and original take on the genre.

Helena Duggan has crafted an imaginative and captivating story that is sure to leave a lasting impression on its readers. The Washington Post recommends it highly to young adults and teenage readers who enjoy a unique blend of fantasy and science fiction.

We give it a solid four out of five-stars.

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