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A Reclusive Heart by R.L. Mathewson Review

Title: A Reclusive Heart

Author: R.L. Mathewson

First published September 1, 2011

297 pages, Kindle Edition

Rating: 4.19


Looking for a change in her life, Emily decides to step out of her comfort zone and embrace the world. But, she is not sure where to start or how to do it.

Fortunately, she meets a charming and determined editor who is willing to assist her in this journey. He is everything she could ever want, but unfortunately for him, the author he needs to work with is a bit of a recluse who is not cooperating.

In an attempt to bring her out of her shell, he decides to help her live her life to the fullest and ends up getting more than he ever expected.

About the Author

R.L. Mathewson, a bestselling author featured in the New York Times, hails from Massachusetts. Her writing is known for its humor, wit, and relatable characters.

She has published several paranormal and contemporary romance series, including Neighbor from Hell.

As a child, R.L. Mathewson was shy and spent much of her time reading. After high school, she worked various jobs such as a bellhop, fast food cook, and museum worker.

Eventually, she took an EMT course which helped her overcome her shyness and provided inspiration for her stories.

Nowadays, R.L. Mathewson is a single mother to two children who keep her busy. She loves romance novels and has a passion for hot chocolate.

In 2019/2020, she plans to release several new books, including Devastated, the first in the Anger Management series, Tall, Dark & Furious, the 6th book in the Pyte/Sentinel series, and Irresistible, a highly anticipated novel in the Neighbor from Hell series. She will continue to write paranormal, contemporary, and YA books throughout the year.

Editoral Review

A Reclusive Heart by R.L. Mathewson is a romantic fiction novel first published on September 1, 2011. Mathewson is a bestselling author known for her contemporary romance series, and this book is no exception.

The book centers around an introverted and traumatized protagonist, Jo, who struggles with social anxiety and panic attacks. She lives a secluded life and only interacts with her closest friends and family.

However, her carefully crafted world begins to unravel when Eric, a new neighbor moves in next door, and a romance blossoms between the two. In A Reclusive Heart, Mathewson sensitively tackles the mental health issues, including anxiety and panic attacks, which are prevalent in our current world.

Mathewson’s writing style has a stunning simplicity that makes this story effortless to read. Yet, its the tenderness with which she depicts the main character’s journey from a vulnerable, anxious victim to a confident and assertive person that’s so compelling.

The characters and their interactions are witty, sarcastic, and enjoyable, which makes the reading experience light-hearted and entertaining. Jo’s character is well-developed, and the way Mathewson showcases her mental health struggles and how they shape her life shows a profound understanding of the subject matter.

Eric’s character is charming, considerate, and patient, which complements Jo’s disposition, making their relationship genuine and heartwarming. The plot is well-constructed, with an appropriate balance between romance and subplot, and never feels too rushed or too slow.

The pace of the book keeps the reader engaged, and surprising revelations keep the interest level high. One minor drawback of the book is that the ending may seem slightly predictable, yet it’s still satisfying and leaves the audience with a sense of resolution.

Overall, A Reclusive Heart is an excellent book that tackles mental health issues with depth and sensitivity while delivering an enticing romance narrative. The book touches the target audience’s heartstrings while highlighting the significance of real-world issues.

The author’s skillful storytelling dramatically enhances the reading experience and provides memorable moments that will linger in the reader’s mind. For those who enjoy contemporary romance novels with vibrant characters and well-executed themes, A Reclusive Heart is an excellent recommendation.

Rating: 4.5/5

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