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Corrupt Idol by Dinah Harper Review

Title: Corrupt Idol

Author: Dinah Harper

First published January 1, 2019

201 pages, Kindle Edition

Rating: 3.84


“I strive to be a better person, but I’ve failed miserably with you.” He was her protector, confidant, and the only one she trusted. Until he shattered their bond with a selfish act that left her broken.

Now, five years later, she is forced to confront Jesse Sampson – her stepbrother, a corrupt idol, and her worst nightmare. Determined to prove his irrelevance, she vows to keep him out of her life forever.

However, Jesse has different intentions. He is determined to undo the damage he caused and win back her trust.

Will she give him a second chance or will Jesse’s past mistakes haunt him forever? Find out in Dinah Harper’s gripping novel, Corrupt Idol.

About the Author

If you’re looking for a thrilling read that will make you feel a bit uncomfortable, Dinah Harper’s Corrupt Idol is the perfect choice. This is just the beginning of her foray into darker novels – she has several more in the works.

While you may have to wait a bit for new material, it’s only because Dinah has been busy with other projects. As Mia Knight, she’s established herself as a writer of dark romance.

But fear not, once she’s able to focus on Dinah Harper again, she’ll be sure to update her website and blog.

Editoral Review

Dinah Harper’s “Corrupt Idol” is a thrilling addition to the mystery and suspense genre. First published on January 1, 2019, the novel takes readers on a journey of deceit, betrayal, and power dynamics.

Harper is a skilled writer who masterfully weaves together a complex plot with a cast of multi-dimensional characters.

The story centers around the protagonist, Lily Ross, who is a rising star in the music industry. Despite her success, she is plagued by a dark secret that threatens to unravel everything she has worked for.

As the story unfolds, Lily finds herself entangled in a web of corruption and greed that stretches far beyond her own personal struggles. Harper’s writing is gripping, and readers will find themselves unable to put the book down until the very end.

One of the strengths of “Corrupt Idol” is Harper’s ability to create a vivid and realistic setting. The music industry is a notoriously cut-throat and competitive world, and Harper captures this perfectly.

The characters are all flawed and complex, making them feel like real people rather than just caricatures. The pacing of the novel is also well done, with just the right amount of tension and suspense to keep readers engaged.

The themes explored in “Corrupt Idol” are relevant and timely. The novel touches on issues of power, greed, and corruption, which are all too common in today’s society.

Harper does an excellent job of exploring these themes without feeling preachy or heavy-handed.

However, the book is not without its flaws. Some readers may find the ending to be a bit predictable, and the plot may feel overly convoluted at times.

Additionally, some of the secondary characters could have been developed more fully.

Overall, “Corrupt Idol” is a well-written and engaging novel that is sure to please fans of the mystery and suspense genre. Harper is a talented writer, and her ability to create a vivid and realistic world is commendable.

Despite its flaws, “Corrupt Idol” is a book that is definitely worth reading.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

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