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Damaged by Sheridan Anne Review

Title: Damaged

Author: Sheridan Anne

First published January 1, 2021

464 pages, Kindle Edition

Rating: 4.36


Sheridan Anne tells an emotional story of heartbreak, healing, and second chances in her debut novel, Damaged. Emma’s life has been riddled with pain, from an abusive childhood to the unexpected death of her beloved husband.

As she tries to move forward, she must confront the demons of her past and learn to navigate a new life without her partner by her side. But when a chance encounter with a stranger presents a glimmer of hope, Emma is forced to confront her fears and open her heart once again.

Damaged is a moving and inspiring story of love, loss, and the resilience of the human spirit that will captivate readers from start to finish.

Editoral Review

In Sheridan Anne’s debut novel, Damaged, readers are introduced to a young woman named Amelia who has experienced untold trauma and abuse throughout her life. Published in January 2021, Damaged is a poignant and heart-wrenching work of fiction that will resonate with readers who appreciate stories of resilience, hope, and redemption.

Anne does a masterful job of weaving together complex themes such as trauma, abuse, mental illness, and addiction into a well-crafted narrative that is both emotionally gripping and thematically resonant. Her writing style is both evocative and lyrical, with vivid descriptions of the settings and characters that bring the story to life.

At its heart, Damaged is a story about Amelia’s journey of self-discovery and healing. After many failed attempts to overcome her trauma and addiction, she finally finds the strength to confront her past and seek the help that she needs to move forward.

Along the way, she encounters a cast of compelling characters, each with their unique struggles and conflicts. One of the strengths of Damaged is Anne’s ability to create fully realized characters with distinct voices, motivations, and conflicts.

Each character in the novel is fleshed out with nuanced details that make them feel like real people rather than caricatures. This level of characterization adds depth and complexity to the narrative, making it all the more engaging and emotionally rewarding.

Another strength of the novel is Anne’s use of symbolism and metaphors to explore the inner workings of her characters’ minds. By weaving these literary devices throughout the narrative, she creates a rich and layered work that rewards careful reading and reflection.

However, the novel is not without its flaws. At times, the pacing can feel uneven, with some sections dragging on while others move too quickly.

Additionally, some readers may find the subject matter too heavy and triggering, as the novel deals with sensitive issues such as sexual abuse, addiction, and mental illness. Despite these limitations, Damaged is a powerful and timely novel that offers much to readers who are looking for stories of hope, resilience, and redemption.

Anne’s skillful writing, well-drawn characters, and evocative themes make this debut novel a standout work that is sure to make a lasting impression on readers. Overall, I highly recommend Damaged to fans of literary fiction, particularly those who appreciate stories that tackle complex social issues with honesty and sensitivity.

This novel is a triumph of storytelling that deserves to be read and cherished for its emotional depth, thematic richness, and powerful message of hope. I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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