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El arte de simplificar la vida by Dominique Loreau Review

Title: El arte de simplificar la vida

Author: Dominique Loreau

First published January 1, 2008

174 pages, Kindle Edition

Rating: 3.51


Dominique Loreau, after years of life and study in Japan, discovered that simplicity enriches life infinitely while freeing us from prejudices and restrictions. In her book, The Art of Simplifying Life, Loreau presents a practical and wise guide on how to apply this philosophy to every aspect of our existence.

From austerity in possessions to simplicity in attire, clarity in thoughts to frugality in food, the book offers reflections, notes, advice, and exercises to help us feel good in our own bodies and minds, with ourselves and with others. Divided into three parts – material possessions, the body, and the mind – this book offers a revelatory and comprehensive guide that can become the ultimate life manual for women in this millennium.

Experience elegance, well-being, serenity, and beauty by embracing the power of simplicity.

About the Author

Dominique Loreau is a French essayist who has been living in Japan since the late 1970s. She offers seminars for those who want to simplify their lives.

Her book, “L’Art de la simplicité” (The Art of Simplicity), published in 2005, brought her to fame.

“I am not a writer at all,” she says. When she started writing her book from her personal notes, some passages were specifically addressed to women, others to men.

Then she thought, “Oh well! The world is always in the masculine form, so I will put it in the feminine form. It’s a little joke.”

The idea for her book came from seeing Japanese city dwellers “living in so much clutter and stuff, and always stressed and tired, looking for their things, living in interiors that are really full to bursting. You don’t know where to sit.

And I thought, ‘What’s the point of all this?'”

Editoral Review

El arte de simplificar la vida (The Art of Simplicity) by Dominique Loreau is a self-help book that aims to help readers live a simpler and happier life. Loreau is a French author and speaker who has also written best-selling books on minimalism and Japanese aesthetics.

In this book, Loreau shares her philosophy on simplifying one’s life by emphasizing the importance of decluttering, mindfulness, and slowing down. She draws inspiration from various sources, including the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, which celebrates imperfection and transience.

The book is divided into several chapters that cover different aspects of simplifying one’s life, such as cleaning, organizing, dressing, and eating. Each chapter provides practical tips and advice that readers can apply to their own lives.

One of the strengths of the book is Loreau’s writing style, which is clear, concise, and engaging. She uses personal anecdotes and examples to illustrate her points, making the book relatable and easy to understand.

Another strength is Loreau’s emphasis on mindfulness and being present in the moment. She argues that by focusing on the here and now, one can find joy and meaning in everyday activities, such as washing dishes or folding laundry.

However, the book may not be for everyone. Some readers may find the advice too simplistic or unrealistic, especially if they live a busy or stressful life.

Additionally, some of the ideas may not be applicable to all cultures or lifestyles, as they are rooted in Japanese and French traditions. Overall, El arte de simplificar la vida is a well-written and insightful book that offers practical advice on how to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

It is recommended for readers who are interested in minimalism, mindfulness, and self-improvement.

Rating: 4/5

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