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Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari Review

Title: Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow

Author: Yuval Noah Harari

First published January 1, 2015

450 pages, Kindle Edition

Rating: 4.22


Yuval Noah Harari, the author of the sensational and critically-acclaimed bestseller Sapiens, has returned with another thought-provoking and remarkable book. In Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow, Harari delves into the future of humankind and explores our aspiration to elevate humans into gods.

Throughout the last century, humanity has achieved the impossible by controlling famine, plague, and war. Harari, with his distinctive and captivating style, explains how famine, plague, and war have become manageable challenges instead of uncontrollable forces of nature.

Remarkably, more people die from overeating than from hunger, and more people die from old age than from infectious diseases. Shockingly, the chance of an average American dying from eating too much fast food is a thousand times more likely than being killed by terrorists, soldiers, and criminals combined.

Harari’s Homo Deus is a must-read for anyone who wants to explore the future of humanity and the challenges we will face.

About the Author

Meet Professor Harari – a world-renowned historian born in Haifa, Israel in 1976 to Lebanese parents. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Oxford in 2002 and is now a lecturer at the Department of History in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

His specialization includes World History, medieval history, and military history. Currently, his research focuses on macro-historical questions such as the relationship between history and biology, the difference between Homo sapiens and other animals, and the presence of justice and direction in history.

He also explores whether people became happier as history unfolded.

Apart from teaching at the Hebrew University, Prof. Harari also offers a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled A Brief History of Humankind.

Prof. Harari is a recipient of two Polonsky Prizes for Creativity and Originality in 2009 and 2012, respectively.

He also won the Society for Military History’s Moncado Award in 2011 for his outstanding articles in military history.

Editoral Review

In his groundbreaking book, Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow, author Yuval Noah Harari delves into the future of humanity and the potential impact of technological advancements. Harari, a renowned historian and philosopher, offers readers a thought-provoking analysis of the forces that have shaped our past and present while forecasting a possible trajectory for our future.

Homo Deus is a unique blend of genres that incorporates elements of science fiction, history, and social commentary. Harari explores complex themes such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and the role of human consciousness in a progressively digitized world.

As a result, Homo Deus offers a vision of humanity that is both exciting and unsettling. The book’s main thesis is that Homo sapiens is transforming into a new kind of being, Homo Deus.

Harari argues that technological advancements may soon enable humans to overcome death and disease, create new life forms, and merge with machines. The implications of these changes are vast and complex, ranging from societal upheaval to the extinction of humanity altogether.

Though the subject matter may be daunting, Harari presents it in an approachable and engaging style. He uses anecdotes, historical examples, and scientific research to support his claims and convey even the most esoteric concepts in a relatable way.

One of Harari’s strengths as a writer is his ability to connect seemingly disparate ideas and concepts, weaving together a coherent narrative that is both insightful and accessible. However, the book is not without its flaws.

Some readers may find that Harari’s arguments are too deterministic, and that he takes a negative, pessimistic view of technological progress. Additionally, some may take issue with his occasionally oversimplified depictions of complex historical events.

Nevertheless, Homo Deus is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of technology and society. Harari’s vision of a post-human future is thought-provoking, and his insights into the complex forces that shape our world are incisive.

While the book may not provide all the answers, it offers a valuable starting point for conversations about the future of humanity. Overall, I highly recommend Homo Deus to readers who are looking for a challenging and enlightening read.

While it may not be for everyone, those who are willing to grapple with the complex themes and ideas presented in the book will find a rewarding and insightful experience. I give it a score of 4.5 out of 5, based on its originality, depth of analysis, and overall impact on the reader.

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