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Ich komme, um zu schreiben by Victoria Dahl Review

Title: Ich komme, um zu schreiben

Author: Victoria Dahl

First published December 25, 2008

368 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 9783862783205 (ISBN10: 3862783200)

Rating: 3.73


Molly Jennings, eine erfolgreiche Autorin von Erotikromanen, leidet an einer Schreibblockade. Um Inspiration zu finden, kehrt sie in ihren Heimatort Tumble Creek zurück und trifft dort auf Ben Lawson, ihren Jugendschwarm und Quelle ihrer ersten Inspiration.

Doch ihre Wiedersehensfreude wird schnell getrübt, als ein Stalker auftaucht und Ben ihr gut gehütetes Geheimnis entdeckt. Trotzdem lässt Molly sich nicht unterkriegen und findet in Bens Armen nicht nur die Inspiration für ein neues Buch, sondern auch die Kraft, sich gegen ihre Feinde zu behaupten.

Eine mitreißende Geschichte über Liebe, Leidenschaft und den Mut, für seine Träume zu kämpfen.

About the Author

My love for writing stems from my mother’s passion for popular fiction, which introduced me to some risqué books at a young age. Eventually, I wrote my first published book, To Tempt a Scotsman, a historical piece that won the Golden Heart award.

I followed it up with A Rake’s Guide to Pleasure, which was excerpted in Scotsman.

My agent encouraged me to try writing a contemporary romantic comedy due to my lighthearted nature. I had a blast writing Talk Me Down, which tells the story of a woman returning to her hometown in Colorado and stirring up trouble with her secretive career and a romantic relationship with the chief of police.

Luckily, Tara Parsons at HQN enjoyed it, so if you enjoy steamy scenes and raunchy humor, be sure to check it out when it’s released in January 2009.

My family and I reside in a stunning ski town in Utah, but I’m not one for hitting the slopes. Instead, I prefer curling up indoors with a good book and a hot toddy while the snow blankets the outside world.

With dukes, Scotsmen, police chiefs, and provocative ladies running amok in my head, my imaginary friends keep me company. Thankfully, my understanding husband and children don’t mind the crowded house.

Editoral Review

Ich komme, um zu schreiben by Victoria Dahl is a beautifully crafted book that captures the essence of the authors unique writing style. First published on December 25, 2008, this work of fiction delves deep into the themes of love, loss, and self-discovery.

Victoria Dahl has established herself as a remarkable author in the literary world. Her works of fiction are distinct, and Ich komme, um zu schreiben is no exception.

The book falls under the romance genre and has a contemporary setting. The narrative style employed by the author is engaging and evocative, invoking powerful emotions in readers.

The book is centered around the life of a woman named Sophie Wintock, who after losing her job and her man, moves to New York to start afresh. Sophie is a complex character who is struggling to find her place in the world.

Her journey of self-discovery is intertwined with the lives of the people around her, who play a significant role in shaping her perspective on life. One of the book’s strengths is its ability to paint a vivid picture of New York City, its architecture, and its people.

Victoria Dahls writing style is descriptive, and she captures the city’s essence with remarkable detail. The pacing of the book is also commendable, and it keeps the reader engaged till the very end.

The character development in Ich komme, um zu schreiben is impressive. The author has crafted characters that are three-dimensional and relatable.

Sophie is a character that readers will root for, and her journey of self-discovery is inspiring. The secondary characters in the book are also well fleshed out, and their backstories add depth to the narrative.

The novel explores the themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, and Victoria Dahl explores them with nuance and sensitivity. The writing is poignant, and the author paints a candid picture of the obstacles that people face in their quest for happiness.

One of the book’s limitations is its pacing, which at times can be slow. Some readers may find it challenging to get through the slow parts, but for the most part, the pacing is well balanced.

Overall, Ich komme, um zu schreiben is a remarkable book that is sure to appeal to readers who love romance novels. The writing is impeccable, and the characters are well-developed, making the book a delightful read.

I would recommend it to anyone looking for a meaningful, heartfelt romance novel. Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

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