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Lords of the Sith by Paul S. Kemp Review

Title: Lords of the Sith

Author: Paul S. Kemp

First published April 28, 2015

285 pages, Hardcover

Rating: 3.78


The power struggle between the Jedi and Sith Orders continues in Paul S. Kemp’s “Lords of the Sith.” Darth Vader, the Emperor’s chosen apprentice, is tasked with proving his loyalty to the dark side.

But when an aggressive resistance movement led by Cham Syndulla and Isval threatens the Empire’s hold on the planet Ryloth, Vader and the Emperor must work together to maintain their control. However, when a surprise ambush sends them crashing to the planet’s surface, they must rely on each other and their ruthless bond to survive against the army of resistance fighters.

Will Vader’s allegiance to the Sith be tested as he faces the truest measure of his loyalty? Find out in this thrilling novel that explores the depths of the dark side.

About the Author

Erevis Cale is a popular author of speculative fiction, known for his captivating series featuring characters such as Egil and Nix. He is also a fan of scotch and cigars, and is generally regarded as a friendly individual.

Editoral Review

Lords of the Sith by Paul S. Kemp is a thrilling, action-packed addition to the Star Wars universe.

Kemp is an accomplished author, known for his work in the Forgotten Realms and Star Wars franchises, and his experience shines through in this novel. Set during the reign of the Galactic Empire, Lords of the Sith follows the dark lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, and his master, the Emperor Palpatine, on a mission to crush a rebellion on the planet Ryloth.

As they work to eradicate the resistance, they encounter a group of Twi’lek freedom fighters led by Cham Syndulla, who is determined to take down the Sith Lords at any cost. Kemp expertly weaves together the different perspectives of the characters, giving us a glimpse into the minds of both the villains and the heroes.

The scenes with Vader and Palpatine are particularly powerful, as we see the extent of their power and the fear they inspire in those around them. One of the strengths of Lords of the Sith is the way it explores the relationships between the characters.

Vader and Palpatine’s dynamic is particularly interesting, as we see the master manipulating the apprentice, and the apprentice struggling to contain his feelings of anger and resentment. The interactions between Syndulla and his fellow rebels are also well-done, with a sense of camaraderie and sacrifice that is typical of the Rebel Alliance.

Kemp’s prose is fast-paced and engaging, with plenty of action and suspense to keep the reader hooked. The battle scenes are particularly well-done, with a sense of chaos and desperation that really draws the reader in.

Additionally, Kemp does an excellent job of capturing the gritty, oppressive atmosphere of the Empire, with its strict military hierarchy and brutal tactics. One of the few weaknesses of the book is that it can be a bit predictable at times.

Fans of the Star Wars franchise will likely be able to anticipate how certain plot points will be resolved, which can detract from the overall suspense of the story. Overall, Lords of the Sith is a must-read for fans of the Star Wars universe.

It offers a compelling look at the inner workings of the Empire and the struggle between light and dark. While it may not be groundbreaking in terms of plot or structure, it is a well-crafted, entertaining addition to the canon.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. While not perfect, Lords of the Sith is a solid entry in the Star Wars franchise, with strong character development and plenty of action.

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