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Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock Review

Title: Princess Ben

Author: Catherine Gilbert Murdock

First published March 18, 2008

344 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 9780618959716 (ISBN10: 0618959718)

Rating: 3.75


Princess Miranda is not your ordinary princess – and the story of Princess Ben is anything but ordinary. After her parents are tragically taken away from her, Princess Miranda finds herself in the hands of the cunning Queen Sophia.

Locked away in a tower with nothing but starvation and despair, Princess Miranda discovers a hidden room, full of mysterious magic. With her flying broomstick, she learns the secrets of the magic arts and embarks on a journey to save her kingdom from a mortal threat.

Can Princess Miranda succeed in her quest, and regain the kingdom that is rightfully hers? Find out in this enchanting tale of courage and magic.

About the Author

Growing up in a small Connecticut town, I lived on a farm with honeybees, goats, and Christmas trees. Despite having an ancient TV with only two channels that had to be turned off every 45 minutes to cool down, my sister Liz and I found ways to entertain ourselves.

Liz, now a famous writer, was my primary companion, although she was always cautious and didn’t enjoy losing at games. In high school, I was part of the art clique and spent most of my time in the library’s YA section.

In college, I studied architectural history and learned about the built environment. This knowledge has paid off in unexpected ways, such as when I used architectural jargon to help redesign an unattractive building in my neighborhood.

My first foray into creative writing since high school was Dairy Queen, which I recommend to anyone interested in mastering the art of storytelling.

Passionate about food my whole life, I believe that adding true elements such as emotion, geography, or gardening to a story makes it stronger.

Editoral Review

Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock is a captivating and beautifully written novel that takes readers on an enchanting journey through a fantastical world full of magic and mystery. First published in 2008, the novel has since become a beloved classic in the young adult genre and has received numerous accolades for its imaginative plot, well-rounded characters, and thoughtful themes.

Murdock is an accomplished author known for her unique storytelling style and ability to create compelling and relatable characters. In Princess Ben, she introduces us to a young girl named Ben who is forced to leave her home and follow her uncle, the king, to a distant castle as a result of a tragic accident.

While adjusting to her new life, Ben discovers a hidden room that leads her on a magical journey filled with adventure and danger. The novel is set in a fantastical medieval kingdom filled with intriguing characters and strange creatures.

Murdock’s vivid descriptions of the setting create a rich and immersive world that draws readers in and keeps them engaged throughout the story. From the grandeur of the castle to the eerie depths of the forest, each location is expertly crafted and full of mystery and intrigue.

At its core, Princess Ben is a coming-of-age story about a young girl learning to find her place in the world. Ben is a complex and relatable character who is easy to root for.

Her struggles with loss, identity, and self-discovery are woven seamlessly into the plot, creating a story that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. Murdock’s writing style is both lyrical and engaging, making the novel a joy to read from start to finish.

Her attention to detail and world-building skills are on full display, making the story feel fully realized and complete. As the plot unfolds, readers will find themselves swept up in the action and invested in the characters’ fates.

While Princess Ben is marketed as a young adult novel, readers of all ages will enjoy its timeless themes and expert storytelling. From its stunning imagery to its heartfelt message about the nature of family and belonging, the novel is both entertaining and inspiring.

Additionally, its emphasis on female empowerment and self-discovery gives it added cultural significance in today’s world. Overall, Princess Ben is a must-read novel that deserves a place on any reader’s bookshelf.

With its expert writing, well-rounded characters, and imaginative plot, it is a timeless classic that will continue to be enjoyed for generations to come. I give it a rating of five stars and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a truly enchanting reading experience.

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