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Silence is Golden by Robert Thier Review

Title: Silence is Golden

Author: Robert Thier

First published September 4, 2017

Rating: 4.51


Our world is plagued by environmental destruction, but Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring sheds light on the devastating effects of pesticide usage. This groundbreaking book exposes the chemical industry’s lies and the complacency of public officials who accept their marketing claims without question.

Since its publication in 1962, Carson’s work has sparked a powerful movement for change. Thanks to her research, DDT has been banned and laws protecting our air, land, and water have been revolutionized.

Silent Spring remains a cornerstone of the environmental movement and a call to action for all who care about the future of our planet.

About the Author

Meet Robert Thier, a German historian, book lover, and award-winning writer. His writing style is a unique blend of history, satire, and fantasy, which has earned him the nickname “Sir Rob” from his devoted fans.

He has a talent for bringing the past to life, as if he lived through it himself, and his stories are infused with his own brand of humor that appeals to a wide range of readers, from teenagers to retired grandmothers.

For Robert, writing was a natural progression from his love of history. In Germany, the same word is used for both story and history, and he has always been passionate about both.

“Becoming a storyteller, a writer, is what I’ve always wanted,” he says.

When he’s not writing or delving into dusty archives, searching for a new mystery to weave into his next story, Robert enjoys classical music and taking long walks in the countryside. The helmet in the picture isn’t worn because he’s an avid cyclist, but to protect his “literary skull,” which has been missing a bone since birth.

Robert resides in a small village nestled between the three Emperor Mountains in the southern part of Germany.

Editoral Review

Robert Thiers Silence is Golden is a gripping historical romance novel that transports readers back in time to Germany in the early 19th century. Published on September 4th, 2017, the book offers a captivating narrative that explores themes of love, power, freedom, and oppression, all set against the backdrop of a tumultuous political and social landscape.

The plot of the novel follows the story of Giselle, a young woman who is forced to flee her life of privilege and comfort after her father is taken away by the French army. She is taken in by a wealthy family, where she meets Erik, the familys mysterious and brooding son, with whom she falls in love despite their different social standings.

As their feelings for each other grow stronger, they face numerous obstacles, including personal demons, societal norms, and international conflicts that threaten to tear them apart. Thiers writing style is impeccable, with vivid descriptions that paint a vivid picture of the characters, settings, and emotional turmoil they experience.

The pacing of the novel is also well-balanced, with moments of intense action and passion, as well as quiet reflective interludes that allow readers to connect more deeply with the characters. One of the books strengths is the well-developed characters, with Giselle and Erik standing out as particularly compelling protagonists.

Thier does an excellent job of exploring their innermost thoughts and motivations, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, and creating a sense of empathy and attachment with the reader. Despite its historical setting, Silence is Golden has important relevance to contemporary issues as well, particularly those related to power dynamics, gender roles, and class struggles.

Thiers exploration of these themes is nuanced and thought-provoking, touching on issues that remain as relevant today as they were two centuries ago. That being said, there are certain limitations to the book, such as occasional pacing issues and a predictable plot structure.

However, these can be easily overlooked by the overall strengths of the book. Overall, Silence is Golden is a beautifully crafted novel that will appeal to readers of both historical fiction and romance genres.

It tells an important and engaging story while also raising thought-provoking questions about societal norms and power dynamics. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a well-written, engaging, and emotionally rich read.

Rating: 4.5/5

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