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Specials by Scott Westerfeld Review

Title: Specials

Author: Scott Westerfeld

First published May 9, 2006

384 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 9780689865404 (ISBN10: 0689865406)

Rating: 3.76


“Specials”: The words used to send chills down Tally’s spine, but now she’s one of them. A Special, engineered to keep the pretties in control and the uglies oppressed.

Faster, stronger and more focused than ever before, Tally revels in her new-found power. But a part of her still yearns for something more, something that she can’t quite put her finger on.

When Tally is given the opportunity to eliminate the rebels of the New Smoke, she must choose between her programmed mission and her conscience. Will she listen to that tiny voice inside her head or complete the task at hand?

No matter what she decides, Tally’s world will never be the same again.

About the Author

Scott Westerfeld is a prominent author in the Young Adult genre, with several New York Times bestsellers to his name. His most recognized works are the Uglies and Leviathan series, which have garnered a large following.

In his latest series, IMPOSTORS, he revisits the world of Uglies, which has kept readers on the edge of their seats. Fans will be thrilled to know that the next book in the series, MIRROR’S EDGE, is set to hit the shelves on April 6, 2021.

Editoral Review

In his novel, Specials, Scott Westerfeld continues his captivating Uglies series with a thrilling third installment. Published in 2006, Specials is a young adult novel that further explores the dystopian society of Tally Youngblood, a teenage girl who is fighting for the freedom and independence of herself and her friends.

Westerfeld’s writing style is fluid and easy to follow, perfect for the target audience of teenagers. He weaves in themes of individuality, conformity, and the corrupting nature of power throughout the novel, making it a thought-provoking read.

The pacing of the story is also on point, with enough action and plot development to keep the reader engaged. The plot continues where the previous novel, Pretties, left off.

Tally Youngblood and her friends have undergone a medical procedure that changes them into a “pretty,” a state that makes them look perfect and carefree, but also removes their sense of individuality and free will. Tally is now a “special,” a highly evolved version of the “pretty” with enhanced abilities and extreme loyalty to the government.

She is tasked with hunting down rebels who want to resist the oppressive system of the city. Throughout the novel, readers see Tally struggling to resist the indoctrination of the government and the allure of the special abilities she has been given.

The primary conflict of the novel is the battle between Tally’s desire for independence and her loyalty to the government. Westerfeld delves deeper into the world-building of the series, taking readers to new locations and introducing new characters.

The descriptions are vivid, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in the world of the Uglies. The characters are well-developed, with Tally experiencing significant growth throughout the novel.

Despite the strengths of the book, there are a few weaknesses. The climax of the novel feels rushed, with important plot points concluding quickly and without much development.

Additionally, the ending may not satisfy all readers, as it leaves some questions unanswered and may be considered ambiguous. Overall, Specials is a quality addition to the Uglies series.

It is recommended for teenagers who enjoy dystopian fiction, science fiction, and action-packed adventure stories. Westerfeld’s exploration of themes pertinent to our society today, including conformity and the corrupting nature of power, make it a thoughtful and relevant read.

It is rated 4 out of 5 stars.

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