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Sweet Home by Tillie Cole Review

Title: Sweet Home

Author: Tillie Cole

First published October 13, 2013

401 pages, Kindle Edition

Rating: 3.97


At the age of twenty, Molly Shakespeare thought she knew everything there was to know about life. But when she leaves behind the dreary skies of England to start over at the University of Alabama, she quickly learns that there is so much more to discover.

Molly never knew that the heat of an Alabama summer could be so intense, or that the students could be so intimidating. And she definitely didn’t know just how much the people of Alabama love their football.

But everything changes when she meets Romeo Prince, the notorious star quarterback. His chocolate-brown eyes, dirty-blond hair, and perfect physique leave her unable to think of anything else.

Suddenly, Molly’s quiet, solitary life is turned upside down as she embarks on a journey of love, passion, and self-discovery.

Mature and highly sexual, Sweet Home is a captivating story of a young woman finding her way in a new world. This novel is suited for ages 18 and up.

About the Author

Tillie Cole, an Amazon and USA Today best-selling author, hails from Teesside, a small but sunny (though not always) island in Great Britain. Her upbringing was filled with animals, rescue horses, a sarcastic sister, a Scottish father, and an English rose mother who was a farmer’s daughter.

Tillie embodies both English and Scottish cultures, enjoying HP sauce and Yorkshire Puddings while also unleashing her Scottish heritage through her foul-mouthed rages and dirty jokes.

After completing her Bachelor of Arts honours degree in Religious Studies at Newcastle University, Tillie moved to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne to complete her Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching High School Social Studies. She remained in Newcastle for seven years, which she considers to be a second home.

One summer day, after reading countless books on her beloved Kindle, Tillie declared to her husband that she had an idea for a story. Several months later, after finishing yet another story, her husband urged her to stop talking about writing a novel and just do it.

And so, for the first time in eleven years, Tillie took his advice and began a journey into her imagination.

Tillie writes from the heart, blending her love of camp and glitter with humor and dark, muscled, tattooed men. She also has a serious side, studying world religions, history, and cultural studies, which she weaves into her writing.

After teaching high school Social Studies for six years and following her professional rugby player husband around Europe, Tillie and her husband have settled in Calgary, Alberta, where she spends most of her time lost in writing or pursuing her passion for barrel-racing and cowgirl fashion.

Editoral Review

Tillie Cole’s Sweet Home is a heart-wrenching novel that explores the complexities of love, loss, and redemption. Published on October 13, 2013, the novel is a contemporary romance that delves into the lives of two college students, Molly Shakespeare and Romeo Prince, who come from opposite worlds but are drawn to each other in ways they never thought possible.

At its core, Sweet Home is a story about overcoming adversity and finding true love in unexpected places. The novel is set in the backdrop of a college campus in Alabama, where Molly and Romeo’s paths cross.

Molly is a shy and introverted girl who has recently lost her parents in a tragic accident. Romeo, on the other hand, is the star quarterback of the college football team, with a reputation for being a ladies’ man.

The two characters are initially wary of each other, but as they spend more time together, they begin to discover a deep connection that transcends their differences. However, their love is put to the test when Romeo’s troubled past catches up with him, threatening to tear them apart.

Tillie Cole’s writing style is emotive and evocative, creating a vivid and immersive world that draws the reader in from the first page. The characters are well-developed and multi-dimensional, with flaws and strengths that make them relatable and believable.

The pacing of the novel is excellent, with just the right balance of tension and release, keeping the reader engaged throughout.

One of the strengths of Sweet Home is its exploration of issues of social class, race, and identity. The novel addresses the complex dynamics that exist between different groups of people, highlighting the challenges of breaking down barriers and building bridges between them.

The novel’s themes are particularly relevant in today’s world, where issues of social justice and equality are at the forefront of public discourse.

However, there are also some limitations to the novel. The plot is somewhat predictable, with some of the twists and turns feeling contrived and formulaic.

The dialogue can also be overly melodramatic at times, detracting from the authenticity of the characters and their emotions.

Despite these limitations, Sweet Home is a powerful and moving novel that is sure to resonate with readers looking for a compelling love story with a deeper message. Fans of the romance genre will find much to enjoy in this novel, and those interested in exploring issues of social justice and identity will find it particularly compelling.

Overall, I would highly recommend Sweet Home to anyone looking for an engaging and thought-provoking novel that explores the complexities of love and identity. While it may not be perfect, it is a well-crafted and emotionally resonant work that is sure to leave a lasting impression on readers.

I give it a rating of 4 out of 5 stars.

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