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The Bondage Breaker by Neil T. Anderson Review

Title: The Bondage Breaker

Author: Neil T. Anderson

First published January 1, 1990

302 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 9780736902410 (ISBN10: 0736902414)

Rating: 4.19


Looking to break free from the chains that bind you? Look no further than The Bondage Breaker by Neil T.

Anderson. This powerful book offers readers the tools they need to confront the power of Satan, resist the temptations that hold them back, and trade deception for the grace that comes with affirming their identity in Christ.

With The Bondage Breaker as your guide, you’ll be on your way to a life of true freedom in no time.

About the Author

Meet Neil T. Anderson, the founder and president of Freedom in Christ Ministries.

Before this, he served as the chairman of the Practical Theology Department at Talbot School of Theology. With five degrees from Talbot, Pepperdine University, and Arizona State University, he is a prolific author of several books on spiritual freedom.

His works, including Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, have become bestsellers.

Editoral Review

The Bondage Breaker by Neil T. Anderson is a groundbreaking work in the genre of Christian self-help books.

First published in 1990, this book has helped countless readers overcome their struggles with spiritual bondage and live a victorious Christian life. Anderson, a pastor and counselor, has written several other books on spiritual warfare and dependence on God, but The Bondage Breaker remains his most influential and widely read work.

The book is written in a clear and concise style, with practical advice and biblical insights that are accessible to readers of all levels of spiritual maturity. Anderson defines spiritual bondage as anything that hinders a believer’s relationship with God, including sin, fear, addiction, and emotional wounds.

He argues that these bondages are not the result of external forces, but rather internal lies that we have believed about ourselves, God, and the world. He then offers a seven-step process for breaking free from these lies and experiencing the freedom and power that Christ offers.

The plot of the book is not a traditional one, as it is a non-fiction work that focuses on concepts and principles rather than characters and events. However, Anderson uses powerful anecdotes and real-life examples to illustrate his points and make his teachings come alive.

He draws from his own experiences as a counselor and from the stories of his clients to show how his methods have worked in practice, and how they can work for anyone who is willing to put in the effort. One of the strengths of The Bondage Breaker is its relevance to contemporary issues and concerns.

Although it was written over thirty years ago, the book remains as relevant as ever, as it addresses timeless issues such as identity, purpose, and spiritual warfare. In fact, many readers may find that the book speaks directly to their current struggles and provides practical solutions for overcoming them.

Anderson’s insights are firmly grounded in scripture, but he also draws from other sources such as psychology and philosophy to give a well-rounded view of the human condition. As with any book, The Bondage Breaker has its limitations and drawbacks.

Some readers may find that Anderson’s approach is too simplistic or formulaic, and that it does not address the complexities of their particular situations. Additionally, some may find that the book’s focus on spiritual warfare and demonic influence is too intense or unsettling.

Overall, however, The Bondage Breaker is an extremely valuable resource for anyone seeking to grow in their faith and overcome the bonds that hold them back. Anderson’s writing is clear, compassionate, and deeply rooted in scripture, and his practical advice is applicable to a wide range of readers.

Whether you are struggling with addiction, fear, anger, or any other form of bondage, this book provides a roadmap for finding freedom and living a life of joy and victory. For that reason, I would highly recommend The Bondage Breaker to anyone who is seeking a deeper understanding of spiritual warfare and the power of God’s love.

This book will benefit Christians of all ages and backgrounds, and has the potential to transform lives and communities. I give it a solid rating of four out of five stars.

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