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The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future by Ryder Carroll Review

Title: The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future

Author: Ryder Carroll

First published October 23, 2018

336 pages, Kindle Edition

Rating: 4.05


Do you feel like your to-do lists are never ending and your mind is constantly cluttered? Ryder Carroll knows the feeling.

He tried every organizing system out there, but nothing seemed to work for him. That’s why he developed the Bullet Journal Method.

It’s not just about checking off tasks, it’s about intentional living. In his new book, Carroll teaches you how to use pen and paper to create a comprehensive record of your thoughts and goals.

He’ll show you how to tackle your to-do list mindfully and systematically, leading to a more productive and fulfilling life. Whether you’re a seasoned Bullet Journal user or a newbie, this book is for anyone who wants to take control of their life and become the pilot, not just a passenger.

About the Author

Meet Ryder Carroll, a digital product designer and the creator of the Bullet Journal method. He hails from Vienna, Austria, but currently calls Brooklyn, NY home.

Throughout his career, he’s had the honor of collaborating with a wide range of top-notch companies including Adidas, American Express, Cisco, IBM, Macy’s, and HP. His work has been recognized by notable publications such as the New York Times, LA Times, The Wall Street Journal, BBC, Vogue, Lifehacker, Mashable, and many others.

In fact, he even delivered a TEDx talk at Yale University on the power of the Bullet Journal method.

Editoral Review

The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll is an excellent and well-crafted book that offers a comprehensive guide to the bullet journaling system. As a popular productivity tool, the bullet journal offers users a customizable way to manage their time, track their goals, and organize their lives.

Carroll, the creator of the system, offers invaluable insights and guidance on how to use the bullet journal effectively in this book. The book is organized in a logical and easy-to-follow manner, starting with the basics of the system and moving onto more advanced topics such as journaling for mental health and creativity.

It is filled with clear and concise examples of how to set up a bullet journal and how to use it to track various aspects of one’s life. In addition to the practical guidance, Carroll also provides readers with a philosophical framework for using the bullet journal, which emphasizes mindfulness and intentionality in one’s daily routines.

One of the strengths of the book is Carroll’s engaging and accessible writing style. He balances informative text with practical examples, so readers can easily see how to implement the bullet journal into their own lives.

The book is also visually appealing, with several pages containing illustrations and photographs to enhance the reader’s understanding. Although the book is primarily focused on the bullet journal system, Carroll also delves into related topics such as mindfulness practices, habit formation, and personal development.

This not only makes the book a valuable resource for those looking to improve their productivity and organization but also for anyone interested in personal growth. The only potential drawback of the book is that it may not be suitable for those looking for a more traditional planner.

The bullet journal system requires some customization and creativity, which may not be for everyone. Overall, The Bullet Journal Method is an outstanding book that offers a wealth of information and inspiration for those looking to improve their daily routines and achieve their goals.

It is an excellent resource for students, professionals, and anyone seeking to lead a more mindful and intentional life. Therefore, it is highly recommended for anyone interested in learning how to use the bullet journal effectively.

The Washington Post awards the book a rating of five stars out of five.

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