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The Cold Cold Ground by Adrian McKinty Review

Title: The Cold Cold Ground

Author: Adrian McKinty

First published January 1, 2012

11 pages, Audio CD

ISBN: 9781441785695 (ISBN10: 1441785698)

Rating: 3.91


Belfast, 1981. The city is in turmoil with riots, hunger strikes and a serial killer on the loose.

The Catholic Detective Sergeant Duffy is assigned to solve the case of a young woman’s death, which might have been a suicide or a murder. But things are not as simple as they seem.

The victim had links to the IRA and was last seen with someone from the Ulster Volunteer Force. With both sides against him, Duffy is in a precarious situation.

As he delves deeper into the case, he realizes that the truth is more complicated than he ever imagined. Combining a fast-paced narrative with vivid descriptions of a city torn apart, The Cold Cold Ground is a haunting and wrenching tale of a man caught between his duty and his conscience.

About the Author

Meet Adrian McKinty, the talented Irish writer. He hails from Belfast, Northern Ireland and spent his youth in Victoria Council Estate, Carrickfergus, County Antrim.

Adrian pursued law at the University of Warwick and later studied politics and philosophy at the University of Oxford. In the early 1990s, Adrian relocated to the United States and lived in Harlem, New York.

Later, he moved to Denver, Colorado in 2001, where he taught high school English and honed his writing skills. Today, Adrian resides in Melbourne, Australia with his wife and two children.

Editoral Review

The Cold Cold Ground by Adrian McKinty is a gripping crime fiction novel that takes place in 1981 during the height of political and social unrest in Northern Ireland. McKinty, a Northern Irish author, is known for his gritty and authentic portrayals of the region and its history.

At its heart, The Cold Cold Ground is a story about a police officer who is forced to confront his own prejudices and allegiances in the midst of a brutal murder investigation. The story is set in the fictional town of Carrickfergus, where the protagonist, Detective Sean Duffy, has recently been transferred.

Duffy is a Catholic in a predominantly Protestant police force, and he is immediately met with suspicion and hostility from his colleagues. Despite this, Duffy is determined to do his job and solve the case of a young woman found dead in a field, seemingly the victim of a sectarian killing.

Throughout the novel, McKinty skillfully weaves together the various elements of his setting and characters to create a tense and suspenseful narrative. The reader is taken on a journey through the complex political and cultural landscape of Northern Ireland, where alliances and loyalties are constantly shifting.

At the same time, Duffy is wrestling with his own identity and beliefs, as he begins to uncover uncomfortable truths about his own community and the police force he serves. One of the strengths of the novel is its vivid and evocative descriptions of the physical and emotional landscapes of Northern Ireland.

McKinty captures the bleakness and desolation of the region, as well as the sense of unease and danger that permeates every corner. He also creates a fully realized cast of characters, from Duffy himself to the suspects and witnesses he encounters, each with their own motivations and secrets.

In terms of style and pacing, The Cold Cold Ground is a masterclass in crime fiction writing. McKinty draws the reader in with a riveting opening scene and keeps the tension high throughout.

He also manages to balance the various plot elements and themes, never allowing one to overwhelm the others. The ending is satisfying and believable, yet still contains a few surprises to keep the reader on their toes.

Overall, The Cold Cold Ground is an excellent novel that will satisfy fans of crime fiction and historical fiction alike. It is a thoughtful and thought-provoking exploration of identity, loyalty, and justice in a complex and troubled society.

While it may not be the easiest or most comfortable read, it is a rewarding and ultimately uplifting one. I highly recommend The Cold Cold Ground to anyone looking for a compelling and well-crafted crime novel.

Rating: 4.5/5 stars.

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