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The Woman Who Rides Like a Man by Tamora Pierce Review

Title: The Woman Who Rides Like a Man

Author: Tamora Pierce

First published March 1, 1986

284 pages, Mass Market Paperback

ISBN: 9780689878589 (ISBN10: 0689878583)

Rating: 4.18


“Alanna’s journey continues as she ventures into the vast desert of Tortall in search of adventure. Newly knighted and eager to prove herself, she finds herself captured by fierce desert dwellers who offer her a challenge – prove herself in a duel to the death or perish.

Alanna emerges victorious, but her journey is far from over. In a twist of fate, she becomes the tribe’s first female shaman, defying the ancient customs of the desert dwellers who fear her as a foreign warrior.

With determination and courage, Alanna fights against the odds to change their ways and protect the land of Tortall. Join Alanna as she faces her greatest challenges yet in The Woman Who Rides Like a Man.”

Editoral Review

The Woman Who Rides Like a Man by Tamora Pierce is a gripping novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through a fantasy world filled with adventure and magic. Pierce is a masterful writer in the fantasy genre, and her talent shines through in this book with her imaginative world-building and complex character development.

The plot of the novel follows the story of Alanna of Trebond, a young woman who disguises herself as a man in order to train as a knight. In The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, Alanna sets out on a journey to the desert kingdom of Tortall after completing her training.

While there, Alanna is tested in ways she never anticipated, and she is forced to confront her deepest fears and desires. The setting of the desert kingdom of Tortall is both exotic and dangerous, with its unforgiving landscape and harsh climate.

Pierce does a masterful job of bringing this world to life through vivid descriptions and richly drawn characters. Alanna herself is a brave and determined heroine who struggles to reconcile her dual identities as both a woman and a knight.

Her conflicts are both personal and political, as she must navigate the treacherous waters of court intrigue, while fighting to uphold her own ideals and beliefs. Pierce’s writing is both engaging and evocative, and she skillfully weaves complex themes of identity, gender, and power throughout the novel.

The pacing of the book is well-executed, with the tension and suspense building steadily towards an emotionally satisfying conclusion. While there are some minor weaknesses in the novel, such as occasional pacing issues and some flat secondary characters, these flaws are far outweighed by the book’s strengths.

Pierce’s writing is compelling, and her characters are fully realized and sympathetic. Overall, The Woman Who Rides Like a Man is an excellent read for anyone who loves fantasy, adventure, and strong female characters.

This book is a great example of the genre done right, and it is sure to enchant readers of all ages. The exciting plot, engaging characters, and richly drawn world make this novel a must-read for anyone looking for a thrilling and rewarding adventure.

It receives a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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