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True of Blood by Bonnie Lamer Review

Title: True of Blood

Author: Bonnie Lamer

First published April 15, 2011

235 pages, Kindle Edition

Rating: 3.93


Xandra Illuminata Smith has never had a normal life. Her parents are ghosts who refused to cross over, and she is the first Witch Fairy to be born in thousands of years.

But now, after her seventeenth birthday, Xandra’s life gets even more complicated. She discovers that her mother is a witch in hiding and her biological father is the King of the Fae realm.

The Witches want her dead, and the Fairies want her blood to reopen the gateway to their realm. Xandra must learn to control her powerful magic while running from the Fairies who want to take her blood and set their kind free.

She needs someone to teach her, and her parents enlist the help of a powerful Fairy who claims he wants to keep the realms closed. But can Xandra trust him?

With danger at every turn and time running out, Xandra must decide who to trust and learn to use her magic before it’s too late.

About the Author

I have a few things that I love:

1. Readers of my books are at the top of the list.

2. My kids are a close second, but let’s keep that between us.

They’re pretty feisty, so I don’t want to cause a riot.

3. My pets, despite their tendency to make me sneeze and rub my eyes due to my asthma.

But I love them nonetheless.

4. Writing is my passion, but I don’t want to look bad by listing it first.

5. Good friends are invaluable, and I’m fortunate enough to have quite a few.

6. A quiet evening at home in front of the fireplace with a good book is my idea of heaven.

Unfortunately, with five kids, it’s not very likely.

7. I asked some friends to share their fondest memory of me.

One friend remembers when I babysat her son and rode a horse in Meijer so he could ride with me. Another friend recalls how I drove all the way to Chicago to look at an apartment for her because she was too hungover.

And then there’s the friend who remembers a particular pizza delivery, but we won’t go there.

As for my dislikes:

1. I hate puppies, kittens, babies, sunshine, peace on earth, goodwill, recycling, education, gifts, and sweets.

Just kidding. I love all those things.

2. I’m not a fan of being facetious, but I’ll admit I do it from time to time.

3. People who don’t read my books are a bit of a pet peeve.

But I suppose I can’t force everyone to love them.

4. It’s always a bummer when someone stops by the house and I look terrible.

You know who you are.

5. Lumberjacks.

I have no idea why, but I just don’t like them.

Now that you know a bit about me, I’d love to hear about you. Drop by my Facebook page and say hello!

Editoral Review

True of Blood by Bonnie Lamer is an urban fantasy novel that was first published in April 2011. Lamer’s work is a remarkable addition to the genre, featuring an intricate plot, well-developed characters, and an impressive use of language.

The novel is set in modern-day New Orleans and is centered around protagonist, Raelynn, who is discovering her true nature as a unicorn shifter. Raelynn is a tough, independent woman with a snarky attitude, and as she uncovers the secrets of her past, she finds herself drawn into a supernatural underworld full of intrigue and danger.

Along the way, she meets a cast of memorable characters including vampires, witches, and other shifters, who all have their own agendas and secrets to keep. One of the strengths of the novel is the way Lamer handles the world-building.

She creates a vibrant, complex world in which supernatural creatures exist alongside humans. The novel also incorporates elements of the city’s rich culture, from the food to the architecture, giving the story a unique feel that sets it apart from other urban fantasy novels.

In terms of character development, Lamer creates a diverse cast of characters, each with their own personalities and motivations. Raelynn is a strong, capable heroine who readers will root for throughout the story.

The romance between Raelynn and her love interest, Archer, is a slow-burn that adds emotional depth to the story without overwhelming it. The pacing of True of Blood is well-structured, with a balance of action and exposition that keeps the story moving at a steady clip.

Lamer manages to keep readers on the edge of their seats through twists and turns in the plot while maintaining a clear narrative structure. One of the book’s limitations is the overly complicated mythology surrounding the supernatural creatures in the story.

While this aspect of the world-building is fascinating, sometimes it can become overwhelming and confusing, making it difficult for readers to fully engage with the story. Despite these limitations, True of Blood is an excellent book that will appeal to fans of the urban fantasy genre.

It is well-written, engaging, and has a unique perspective that sets it apart from other books in the genre. Bonnie Lamer is a talented author, and True of Blood is a promising start to what promises to be an exciting series.

Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a great urban fantasy read. I would give True of Blood a rating of 4 out of 5 stars because of its excellent writing, character development, and pacing despite its confusing nature at times.

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