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Un Lun Dun by China Miéville Review

Title: Un Lun Dun

Author: China Miéville

First published February 13, 2007

432 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 9780345495167 (ISBN10: 0345495160)

Rating: 3.82


Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the city you call home? Un Lun Dun is a place beyond your wildest imaginations, where the lost and broken things of the world end up.

It’s a place where words are alive and the mundane becomes extraordinary. From carnivorous giraffes to a tailor with a pin-cushion head, Un Lun Dun is a city full of wonders.

But when two young friends stumble upon a secret entrance leading into this strange world, they discover that the city is in danger. It’s up to them to save Un Lun Dun from a dark cloud that dreams of burning the world.

Will they be able to fulfill the ancient prophecy and become the heroes the city has been waiting for? Discover the magic and adventure of Un Lun Dun in this thrilling tale by China Miéville.

About the Author

Meet a talented writer from Britain who specializes in fantastic fiction. He prefers to call his work “weird fiction,” similar to the pulp and horror writers of the early 20th century like H.P. Lovecraft.

He’s part of a group of writers called New Weird who strive to break away from commercial fantasy clichés that imitate Tolkien. In addition to his writing, he’s also involved in left-wing politics as a member of the Socialist Workers Party.

He’s even run for the House of Commons as a member of the Socialist Alliance and written a book on Marxism and international law.

Editoral Review

Un Lun Dun by China Miville Review

China Mivilles Un Lun Dun is an action-packed adventure that seamlessly incorporates elements of fantasy and surrealism, making for a book that stands out from the norm. Part of the New Weird genre of speculative fiction, the book is a journey through the twisted and fantastical city of UnLondon, a distorted mirror image of our own world.

It is a world in which inanimate objects can come to life, where the weather can be sentient, and where the unexpected is lurking around every corner.

The plot follows the journey of Zanna and Deeba, two young girls living in London who are transported to UnLondon via a strange portal in a public bathroom.

Once there, they discover that it is their destiny to save the city from a dark and powerful enemy, the Smog, which is poisoning and destroying the very fabric of UnLondon. Along the way, they encounter a host of memorable characters, including a talking book, a half-ghost, and a group of rebels fighting against the Smog.

One of the strengths of Un Lun Dun is Miville’s gift for world-building. The city of UnLondon is a character in its own right, with its own distinct culture, language, and traditions.

Miville masterfully weaves together elements of different genres, from horror to steampunk, to create a truly unique and unforgettable setting. The characters, too, are vividly rendered, from the spunky and determined Zanna to the quirky and enigmatic Curdle.

However, the book can at times feel overly convoluted, with too many twists and turns, and an emphasis on spectacle over character development. Additionally, some of the perilous situations that Zanna and Deeba find themselves in feel somewhat contrived or arbitrary.

Nevertheless, the books sheer imagination and creativity carry it through any moments of sluggishness or predictability. At its core, Un Lun Dun raises compelling questions about the role of responsibility and fate in our lives.

The book is filled with metaphors and allegories that are rich in historical and cultural significance, and Miville invites the reader to think deeply about issues such as pollution, imperialism, and the power of storytelling.

Overall, Un Lun Dun is an impressive work of literature that will appeal to readers of all ages, but especially to those who love a good adventure story with a fantastical twist.

Those who have read Mivilles other works will appreciate the similarities in style, but even those who have never heard of him will find much to love here. For its inventive atmosphere, engrossing plot, and thought-provoking themes, Un Lun Dun receives a solid four out of five stars.

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