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Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design by Michael Shermer Review

Title: Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design

Author: Michael Shermer

First published August 8, 2006

224 pages, Hardcover

ISBN: 9780805081213 (ISBN10: 0805081216)

Rating: 3.99


The theory of evolution is under siege, and creationist beliefs are gaining momentum. Michael Shermer, author of the bestseller Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design, unveils the real agenda behind Intelligent Design and its appeal to our desire for a designer behind life’s intricacies.

Using scientific evidence, Shermer decodes how evolution is not simply a theory, but a bottom-up process of natural selection that creates the design of life. As someone who was once an evangelical Christian and a creationist, Shermer argues against the flawed theology and pseudoscientific arguments of Intelligent Design supporters.

He then explains why people of faith and conservatives should embrace evolution. Shermer’s insightful examination of the debate over evolution in Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design is a powerful argument for science that cuts away the politics to reveal what is at stake.

About the Author

Meet Michael Brant Shermer, an American science writer and historian of science. He is also the founder of The Skeptics Society, an organization that investigates and debunks pseudoscientific and supernatural claims.

As Editor in Chief of its magazine Skeptic, he is dedicated to providing reliable and evidence-based information to his readers. The Skeptics Society has amassed over 55,000 members, a testament to the value of its work.

In addition to his work with The Skeptics Society, Shermer is a producer and co-host of the 13-hour Fox Family television series, Exploring the Unknown. He is also a monthly columnist for Scientific American magazine, contributing his Skeptic column since April 2004.

Shermer’s journey to skepticism began with his upbringing as a fundamentalist Christian. However, he now identifies as an agnostic nontheist and advocates for humanist philosophy.

With a passion for science and a commitment to evidence-based information, Shermer is dedicated to promoting critical thinking and debunking unfounded claims. His work has inspired many to question their beliefs and embrace skepticism as a way of life.

Editoral Review

In his book Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design, Michael Shermer makes a compelling argument for the importance of evolutionary theory in understanding the natural world. Shermer, a science writer and founder of the Skeptics Society, sets out to debunk the claims of the intelligent design movement, which seeks to inject religious beliefs into the realm of science education.

Shermer’s writing style is both accessible and engaging. He does an excellent job of breaking down complex scientific concepts into clear, understandable language, while also injecting humor and wit throughout.

His passion for the subject matter is evident on every page, as he makes a persuasive case for the validity and importance of evolutionary theory.

The book is organized into three parts.

In the first section, Shermer provides an overview of the intelligent design movement, its history, and its key players. He also lays out the arguments made by the movement, such as the idea that certain features of the natural world are too complex to have evolved through natural selection, and must instead be the result of divine intervention.

In the second part of the book, Shermer delves into the scientific evidence for evolution. He provides numerous examples from the fossil record, genetics, and other areas of research to demonstrate the overwhelming evidence in support of Darwin’s theory.

In the final section of the book, Shermer turns his attention to the political and cultural implications of the intelligent design movement. He argues that allowing religious beliefs to dictate science education undermines the integrity of both science and education.

Overall, Why Darwin Matters is a well-written, thoroughly researched, and timely book. Its message is especially relevant in today’s political climate, where issues of science education and the separation of church and state continue to be hotly debated.

Shermer’s passion for the subject matter is infectious, and his arguments are convincing. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in science, education, and the role of religion in society.

If there is one criticism to be made of Why Darwin Matters, it is that it may be preaching to the choir. Those who are already convinced of the validity of evolution are unlikely to need further convincing, while those who are staunchly opposed to Darwin’s theory are unlikely to be swayed by Shermer’s arguments.

That being said, the book is still a valuable contribution to the ongoing conversation about science education and the importance of evidence-based thinking.

In conclusion, I highly recommend Why Darwin Matters to anyone interested in science, education, or the role of religion in society.

It is a well-researched, well-written, and important book that deserves a wide audience. I give it a rating of four out of five stars.

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