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Entwined by Marissa Honeycutt Review

Title: Entwined

Author: Marissa Honeycutt

First published October 29, 2014

479 pages, Kindle Edition

Rating: 4.16


Entwined by Marissa Honeycutt is a riveting tale of Anna’s journey into a secret subculture that most people only whisper about. Anna finds herself torn between two masters; one offers her safety, while the other demands her obedience.

As she navigates through love and friendship, Anna wonders if she will ever comprehend the motives of her two masters. But the conspiracy theorists have got it all wrong, and the truth is a lot darker than anyone could have imagined.

This book is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a harrowing tale of survival, and it’s not your typical love story.

The road to a happy ending is a long and painful one. So, be warned, this book is not for everyone, but if you can handle the darkness, you won’t be disappointed.

About the Author

Hello there!

I am an independent author who enjoys crafting stories that evoke strong emotions. My primary genre is dark, and I often incorporate elements of romance, paranormal activity, political intrigue, suspense, and thrill.

I am always thrilled to connect with new readers, so don’t hesitate to reach out and introduce yourself!

Editoral Review

Entwined by Marissa Honeycutt is a dark and intense novel that explores the themes of trauma, abuse, and the power of love in healing wounds. First published in 2014, the book tells the story of Azalea, a young woman who has been trapped in a world of abuse and manipulation by her father, a powerful and controlling man who uses her as a pawn in his political ambitions.

Honeycutt’s writing style is raw and emotional, with vivid descriptions that bring the characters and settings to life. She draws the reader into Azalea’s world, conveying the sense of isolation and despair that she feels as she struggles to break free from her father’s grip.

The plot of the book is complex and multi-layered, with several subplots that intertwine to create a gripping and suspenseful narrative. Along with Azalea, the reader is introduced to a cast of characters that includes her brother, her mother, and a group of rebels who are fighting against the oppressive regime that her father represents.

One of the strengths of the book is the way in which Honeycutt handles the sensitive and difficult subject matter of abuse and trauma. She portrays the psychological effects of abuse with sensitivity and realism, showing how it can warp a person’s sense of self and make them feel trapped and powerless.

At the same time, she also highlights the healing power of love and the importance of support and understanding in overcoming trauma.

Another notable aspect of the book is its exploration of power dynamics and the corrupting influence of politics. Honeycutt portrays a world in which those in power will stop at nothing to maintain their hold on it, even if it means sacrificing the lives and wellbeing of those around them.

This theme has particular relevance in today’s political climate, and the book’s message on the dangers of unchecked power is a timely and important one.

However, the book is not without its flaws. At times, the pacing can be slow, with some sections dragging on longer than necessary.

Additionally, some of the characters feel underdeveloped, with their motivations and actions feeling unclear or inconsistent.

Overall, Entwined is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that tackles difficult subject matter with sensitivity and skill. While it may not be for everyone, those who enjoy dark and intense stories that explore the complexities of human relationships and the human psyche will find much to appreciate here.

As such, it earns a solid recommendation from this reviewer.

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