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Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was and Who God Has Always Been by Jackie Hill Perry Review

Title: Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was and Who God Has Always Been

Author: Jackie Hill Perry

First published September 3, 2018

193 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 9781462751228 (ISBN10: 1462751229)

Rating: 4.33


Jackie Hill Perry’s Gay Girl, Good God is a powerful memoir that tells her story of embracing homosexuality and masculinity after growing up fatherless and experiencing gender confusion. Perry shares practical tools that helped her find wholeness and confront her beliefs about Christianity and homosexuality.

She grapples with the question of whether she should change herself and how to stop loving women when homosexuality feels so natural. At nineteen, she experiences a transformation that turns her heart toward God and the gospel.

This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand, find hope, or be made new.

About the Author

Meet Jackie Hill Perry, a talented writer and artist whose work has been featured on notable platforms such as The Gospel Coalition, DesiringGod.org, and The 700 Club. After turning away from a homosexual lifestyle, she discovered a new passion for sharing the teachings of the gospel through her writing, teaching, and art.

Her poems have garnered over 1 million views on YouTube, and she is signed with Humble Beast Records, who released her debut album, The Art of Joy, in 2014. Jackie is also a loving wife to her husband, Preston, and a proud mother to two beautiful daughters.

Editoral Review

In Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was and Who God Has Always Been, Jackie Hill Perry delivers a powerful memoir that reflects on her journey from a lesbian lifestyle to Christianity. Through her exquisite storytelling abilities, Perry’s engaging memoir seamlessly integrates issues of faith, sexuality, and self-discovery, making it an irresistible read for those seeking authenticity.

Perry beautifully depicts her life and experiences, giving readers an intimate glimpse of the emotional struggles and relational dynamics that come with changing religious beliefs. From a young age, Perry grappled with her attraction to girls and sought comfort in her same-sex relationships.

However, as her relationship with God grew stronger, she found that her sexuality didn’t align with her Christian beliefs, leading to internal conflict and pain. Through her journey of growth and redemption, Perry uses her experiences as a powerful testimony to encourage others to trust in their own spiritual and emotional growth.

She recognizes the importance of embracing one’s unique journey and being true to oneself, even when it is difficult to do so. Perry’s writing exudes vulnerability, honesty, and grace as she shares her story with the world.

Her words and thoughts are easy to follow, and her vulnerability makes it easy for readers to connect with her. Her skillful use of vivid imagery and descriptive language immerses the reader in the story, drawing them in with each page turn.

The themes of self-discovery, faith, and sexuality are woven into the pages of Perry’s memoir with care and intentionality. Readers who have ever wrestled with their own identity, faith, and brokenness will find solace in Perry’s words.

Her beautifully crafted memoir is not only an eye-opener but also touches on some of society’s most pressing issues, such as anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges that come as a result of some of the struggles she faced. There are a few moments in the book where the writing could be tightened up, and Perry could have provided more nuanced perspectives that would have added to the depth of some of the conversations.

However, these minor shortcomings don’t detract from the overall quality of the book and the important message that Perry conveys. In summary, Gay Girl, Good God is an engaging memoir that delivers a strong message about faith, identity, and growth.

Perry masterfully highlights the struggles many face when trying to reconcile their faith and personal lives, making it a recommended read for anyone seeking inspiration or struggling to come to terms with their past. Based on the above, we rate the memoir a 4.5 out of 5, with the book gaining a high recommendation from us.

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