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The Graces by Laure Eve Review

Title: The Graces

Author: Laure Eve

First published September 1, 2016

415 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 9780571326808 (ISBN10: 0571326803)

Rating: 3.29


Rumors had it that the Graces were witches. Their mere presence sent shivers down people’s spines, and their every move was like a work of art.

Everyone wanted to be friends with them, but they were picky about who they let into their inner circle. River has always been captivated by the Graces, drawn to their otherworldly charm and the power they seem to possess.

But when she finally becomes part of their world, she realizes that their magic comes with a price. As River uncovers the dark secrets of the Graces, she must decide whether to stay loyal to her new friends or to save herself from their dangerous influence.

This stunningly-crafted thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

About the Author

Meet Laure Eve, a talented author known for her critically acclaimed duologies, including The Graces, The Curses, Fearsome Dreamer, The Illusionists, and the upcoming Blackheart Knights (spring 2021). With her work published in 10 languages, Laure has been a frequent guest at festivals, conventions, and conferences worldwide.

She is fluent in English and French and can hold a conversation in Greek, particularly about food. And by the way, her name is pronounced “lore eev” in English, but in French, it involves a whole back-of-the-throat situation.

Editoral Review

Laure Eve’s stunning novel, The Graces, is a mesmerizing tale of teenage obsession and the power of the unknown. First published on September 1, 2016, this book is praised for its unique style and exceptional execution of an eerie story.

The story is a melting pot of genres, with elements of magical realism and young adult fiction. The novel takes the reader on a journey with the Grace family, a group of enigmatic and mysterious siblings who have captivated the imagination of their fellow students at their high school in England.

The protagonist, sixteen-year-old River, is fixated on the Graces and wants nothing more than to be accepted into their social circle. Desperate to impress them, she concocts a plan with the aim of finding out if the family’s mysterious reputation is based on fact or fiction.

Her close relationship with the family uncovers dangerous secrets that have the power to change everything. Laure Eve’s expertise in crafting haunting imagery and narrative is showcased throughout the novel.

She invites her readers to explore the dark, intense, and fascinating underbelly of adolescence through the eyes of River. The plot of the book is ambitious and multifaceted, with multiple twists and turns that keep the reader hooked.

The setting of the book is a small rural town in England, which adds another dimension to the mysterious plot of The Graces. One of the book’s significant strengths is the characterization of its main and supporting characters.

The Graces are not just another group of stereotypical “popular kids” but are characters with complex personalities and motivations. River’s personality is intriguing, identifiable, and relatable to many teenagers, making her an excellent protagonist to drive this ambitious story.

The novel’s only significant downside is that the plot can be slow at times, with too much focus on the emotional buildup of the characters than the plot. At times, this takes away from the novel’s pace, making it more of a character-driven story than a plot-driven one.

The book’s themes are solemn and relevant, with prominent themes of power, family dynamics, and the constriction that societal norms put on individuals. The Graces is an incredible achievement in writing, with literary techniques such as symbolism, imagery, and metaphor used to great effect.

The Graces is a unique and compelling read that will captivate all who pick it up. It’s a must-read for those who enjoy young adult fiction but crave additional depth and thematic complexity in their reading.

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a well-written, well-executed story with memorable characters and thematic resonance. Rating: 4.5/5.0

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