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The Lost Husband by Katherine Center Review

Title: The Lost Husband

Author: Katherine Center

First published May 7, 2013

304 pages, Paperback

ISBN: 9780345507945 (ISBN10: 0345507940)

Rating: 3.85


“Dear Mia, I know life hasn’t been easy for you and your two kids after the separation, and I’m writing to offer you a chance to start anew.” The letter comes out of nowhere, and it’s exactly what Mia needed to hear. Her Aunt has offered her a job and a place to live on her lavender farm in Colorado.

Without a second thought, Mia packs up her stuff and heads towards a new beginning. Life on Aunt’s farm is peaceful and filled with the scent of lavender.

But there’s also a mysterious farm manager with a difficult past, a young girl who claims to have a connection to Mia’s ex-husband, and an Aunt who knows more than she’s letting on. Despite everything, Mia is determined to rebuild her life and create new memories with her family.

As she finds herself falling in love with the farm and those who inhabit it, Mia realizes that sometimes the best things in life come when you least expect them.

Editoral Review

The Lost Husband by Katherine Center is a heartwarming and uplifting novel that explores the themes of love, loss, and redemption. Center is a bestselling author who has published several other highly acclaimed novels, including How to Walk Away and Things You Save in a Fire.

Her writing style is characterized by its warmth, humor, and emotional depth, and her stories often center around strong female protagonists who must navigate difficult challenges in their personal and professional lives.

Set in the picturesque Texas Hill Country, The Lost Husband follows the journey of Libby Moran, a young widow who has recently lost her husband and must start a new life with her two children. With no other options, she moves to her Aunt Jean’s goat farm, where she must learn to navigate the complexities of farm life and the relationships of the people around her.

Along the way, she meets the enigmatic farm manager, James, who helps her heal from her past and learn to embrace the present.

Center’s writing is exquisite, with vivid descriptions of the rustic beauty of the Texas countryside and the idiosyncrasies of the farm community. She masterfully weaves together the stories of her characters, creating a rich tapestry of human experience that is both touching and profound.

The characters are all unique and well-developed, with their own quirks, flaws, and strengths.

One of the strengths of the book is its pacing. Center keeps the story moving at a steady pace, building tension and suspense as the relationships between the characters deepen and evolve.

The plot is well-structured, with a satisfying resolution that ties up all the loose ends without feeling contrived or forced.

Another strength of the book is its themes. Center explores the complex emotions of grief, love, and family, delving into the ways in which people cope with loss and find meaning in their lives.

The book also touches on issues of self-discovery and personal growth, as Libby learns to let go of her past and embrace her present.

However, one of the weaknesses of the book is its predictability. While the story is well-crafted and engaging, readers who are familiar with the genre may find some of the plot twists and character arcs to be somewhat cliché.

Additionally, some readers may find the ending to be a bit too neat and tidy.

Overall, The Lost Husband is a beautifully written and emotionally resonant novel that will appeal to fans of contemporary women’s fiction. Its themes of love, loss, and redemption are universal and timeless, and its characters are relatable and endearing.

While it may not break new ground in terms of plot or structure, it is a satisfying and enjoyable read that is sure to leave readers feeling uplifted and inspired.

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